Thursday, December 11, 2008

Teeth,Teeth, and More Teeth

Connor driving Kailee around in his walker.

Just when we think we are getting into the groove with sleeping....teeth start arriving.  Connor's first tooth arrived when he was 7 months- the first two bottom ones came at right around the same time.  Then.. what do you know, but the two top teeth are coming in now at 8 months of age.  Mom wants to know if Connor will wake up every 4 hours for the rest of his life?!

He is such a little ball of energy these days.  It's go, go, go until he crashes.  He really wants to walk, runs full speed in his walker (especially if he sees George), and crawls like an army man being timed.  SO MUCH FUN!  
We are enjoying every moment!

Enjoy some of the great recent pictures.

8 month picture (he had to have his spoon)

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Hanging with Dad.
Connor is learning that he can stand on his own, holding onto things... 
In the last few days he has also started noticing his surrounding- George's cat food and water, paintings on the wall, backpack zippers and more.  I think that we will be putting the play pen to good use at times now :)  Containment for this mover... now if only he'll learn what "No, Connor that is not for you" means and obey :)
He has two front teeth and is working on a third if his sleeping, or lack of sleeping, last night is any indication.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Baby Dedication

We had Connor dedicated last Sunday.  It was a great service and we appreciated having family and good friends there.  Connor did fantastic (Mom was a lot more nervous than he was), although he did try to grab Pastor Dave's lips while he was praying :)

Saturday, November 1, 2008


We had a pretty tame Halloween this year- Connor goes to bed around 6:30 so we had to get our trick or treating done early.
Connor started at Tim and Steph's so that we could get a picture with Miss Ava (aka: skeleton).  She wasn't much of a fan of the proceedings and Connor wasn't happy that Mommy wouldn't let him "love" on her.
Then my parents came to our house to see our little pumpkin :)  Connor loved the box of crackers Grandma brought as his treat.  Although Mommy isn't sure he's quite ready for the crackers yet.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Second trip to see Ava

Whoa- "it" makes noise!
Are you sure she's ok?

Connor wasn't sure about sharing some of his "favorites" Tim and Steph!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

October brings new adventures!

Brendan is playing soccer for the first time on our family team.
He's getting quite good! The other teams are pretty intimidated by his size :)
Family picture :)
Connor can roll over and "catch" the camera! 
Our trip to the pumpkin patch!  Connor loves looking around and seeing new things.
We FINALLY got to meet Ava! Connor doesn't look very impressed her but we did get him out of bed to go meet her. :)

Monday, September 8, 2008


Connor loves Steph and Tim
Being Goofy- love Tim's purse :)
About to "hit the road"
Connor did a great job traveling! 
Learning to sit
My Dad is excited!
Our Family

Saturday, August 2, 2008

4 months

We can hardly believe that our little boy will be 4 and 1/2 months tomorrow!  The time really does go quickly this first year.  Connor had his 4 month check-up last Monday before we left to go camping for a week.  The Dr. said that he is "cognitively advanced" for his age :)  Of course Mom and Dad have been repeating that to anyone who will listen.
He is just over 16 pounds and 26 inches.  75th% for both this time- and is now wearing 9 month and 12 month clothes.
He laughs a lot and loves to observe the world around him.  He loves it so much that it is hard to get him to take his naps...He will carry on a conversation with anyone and everyone.  He can scoot backwards in his walker and has recently taken to scooting forward when laying on his belly.  He finally slept for 8 hours last week! Not any sort of regular pattern of long sleep yet but we remain optimistic it will happen soon :)

Thursday, June 26, 2008

We finally went and took family pictures- as evidenced in the pics above :)  These are some of the good ones.
Connor did three new things yesterday!  Of course these events occurred while I was working...I guess he was showing off for Dad :)
1. He grabbed onto a toy and held it.
2.  He held his head up 90 degrees while on his tummy.
What an amazing little boy we have.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

June 2008

June has been a busy month with the school year ending and  packing up my classroom to move to a new school.  I plan on only teaching Thursday and Fridays and every other Wednesday next year.  We are thankful to have found someone to job share.
We are continually amazed with Connor's growth both physically and developmentally.  He is 14 pounds 8 ounces now!  And continuing to grow out of everything.  He is so long we have had to buy 9 month pj's!  He clasps his hands together now and "talks" a lot.  He loves a board book from his Alaska G'ma about the Aurora lights- every time I start to read it he just coos and smiles :) He is also getting good about pulling things to his mouth to suck on...and he drools now- hopefully not a sign that teething is coming soon.  

Friday, June 6, 2008

    Connor in his "magic" sleeping bed.
Connor nappng
Connor is so much fun!  He is lifting his head up (as evidenced in the picture), batting a things, opening his fists more, smiling A LOT, and getting into more of a routine! Mom only has to get up twice at night now. We finally conquered all of our colds and are looking forward to a fun summer of firsts! 

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Connor has started to giggle and smile!  As evidenced in the picture.
He's also sleeping longer...Mom got 4 hours of uninterrupted sleep last night- then 2.5 more hours! We are excited.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

2 Months Already! 

We can hardly believe that it has been 2 months since the birth of Connor.  Sometimes it seems like it has been forever (especially on the nights when I don't get much sleep) and other times it seems like it can't hardly be 2 months already.  Connor had his first shot yesterday along with his 2 month checkup.  He is now in the 90%tile for height and 75%tile for weight.  He is 24 inches long and 12 pounds 8 ounces.  New things that Connor is doing:  Smiling, giggling, "cooing", he's almost figured out how to get his thumb in his mouth, he can prop himself up on his arms when on his tummy to look around, and he can hold his head up on his own!  Only a few more weeks and Brendan will be on summer break with us too.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Life continues to be an adventure!  Connor started screaming while he was eating at night and the Dr. thought he might have developed acid reflux after I had to take antibiotics to get rid of mastitis (I would not wish that on anyone).  He put Connor on an acid reducing medicine to try and level out his stomach acids.  He is doing better BUT then he got a cold!  There is nothing sadder than listening to your little baby struggle to breathe.  He passed on the cold to both his Mom and Dad.  He coughed into his Mom's eye and stuck his tongue in Dad's mouth.  So there was really no way we could avoid getting it. 
During the Dr. appt we discovered that Connor was already at 12 pounds!  He has now outgrown his 3 month pj's and is in 6 month pj's...he's not even 2 months yet!  We have his 2 month check up on Monday so be looking for another post soon after.
For those of you voting on when Connor will sleep through the night... we have found a "magic" bed.  Connor was really struggling laying flat on his back to go to sleep (probably because of the acid reflux).  One of Brendan's co-workers said that her son had the same problem and they bought an Amby bed, which is like a baby hamock.  She let us borrow it and Connor has been sleeping much better.  He usually does a 4-5 hour stretch to start off the night which is making his disposition much better- and Mom actually has some energy! 

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

1 Month 

Connor had his 1 month Dr. appt.  yesterday.  We have a big boy on our hands!  He now weighs 10 pounds 5 ounces and is 22.5 inches long.  That puts him in the 75%tile for height and 50%tile for weight.  As my friend Stephanie said, he's not getting his build from his Mom!
In the last week Connor has also had one night when he had a 4 hour sleep stretch (which Mom appreciated) and another night with a three hour stretch.  Much improvement from every hour!
Connor and I continue to spend our day sending Dad pictures to his work e-mail, reading, eating, sleeping, and a few more awake periods than we used to have!
The picture is from when I caught Dad "teaching" Connor his multiplication facts yesterday.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Connor is 1 month old! 
It has been one month since the arrival of our little boy. We can hardly believe the changes parenthood has brought.  I've gotten pretty good at waking at the sound of a cry and jumping out of bed to feed him.  Brendan and I are both fairly accomplished at dodging pee and poop when changing him.  For those of you who haven't heard our stories...our little guy loves to wait and surprise people changing him with a little shower! 
Connor is doing a great job growing.  He has outgrown his newborn clothes and is so long we are worried that he will soon outgrow his 3 month pj's! 
He is learning to make all sorts of noises, including one of his new favorites, screaming for no apparent reason.
Brendan went back to work a week ago and Connor and I look forward to seeing him come home every night.
That's all for now as Connor is making his "I'm waking up and you better be ready to feed me" noises.

Sunday, April 13, 2008