Tuesday, May 20, 2008

2 Months Already! 

We can hardly believe that it has been 2 months since the birth of Connor.  Sometimes it seems like it has been forever (especially on the nights when I don't get much sleep) and other times it seems like it can't hardly be 2 months already.  Connor had his first shot yesterday along with his 2 month checkup.  He is now in the 90%tile for height and 75%tile for weight.  He is 24 inches long and 12 pounds 8 ounces.  New things that Connor is doing:  Smiling, giggling, "cooing", he's almost figured out how to get his thumb in his mouth, he can prop himself up on his arms when on his tummy to look around, and he can hold his head up on his own!  Only a few more weeks and Brendan will be on summer break with us too.

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