Friday, May 16, 2008

Life continues to be an adventure!  Connor started screaming while he was eating at night and the Dr. thought he might have developed acid reflux after I had to take antibiotics to get rid of mastitis (I would not wish that on anyone).  He put Connor on an acid reducing medicine to try and level out his stomach acids.  He is doing better BUT then he got a cold!  There is nothing sadder than listening to your little baby struggle to breathe.  He passed on the cold to both his Mom and Dad.  He coughed into his Mom's eye and stuck his tongue in Dad's mouth.  So there was really no way we could avoid getting it. 
During the Dr. appt we discovered that Connor was already at 12 pounds!  He has now outgrown his 3 month pj's and is in 6 month pj's...he's not even 2 months yet!  We have his 2 month check up on Monday so be looking for another post soon after.
For those of you voting on when Connor will sleep through the night... we have found a "magic" bed.  Connor was really struggling laying flat on his back to go to sleep (probably because of the acid reflux).  One of Brendan's co-workers said that her son had the same problem and they bought an Amby bed, which is like a baby hamock.  She let us borrow it and Connor has been sleeping much better.  He usually does a 4-5 hour stretch to start off the night which is making his disposition much better- and Mom actually has some energy! 

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