Saturday, August 2, 2008

4 months

We can hardly believe that our little boy will be 4 and 1/2 months tomorrow!  The time really does go quickly this first year.  Connor had his 4 month check-up last Monday before we left to go camping for a week.  The Dr. said that he is "cognitively advanced" for his age :)  Of course Mom and Dad have been repeating that to anyone who will listen.
He is just over 16 pounds and 26 inches.  75th% for both this time- and is now wearing 9 month and 12 month clothes.
He laughs a lot and loves to observe the world around him.  He loves it so much that it is hard to get him to take his naps...He will carry on a conversation with anyone and everyone.  He can scoot backwards in his walker and has recently taken to scooting forward when laying on his belly.  He finally slept for 8 hours last week! Not any sort of regular pattern of long sleep yet but we remain optimistic it will happen soon :)

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