Thursday, December 11, 2008

Teeth,Teeth, and More Teeth

Connor driving Kailee around in his walker.

Just when we think we are getting into the groove with sleeping....teeth start arriving.  Connor's first tooth arrived when he was 7 months- the first two bottom ones came at right around the same time.  Then.. what do you know, but the two top teeth are coming in now at 8 months of age.  Mom wants to know if Connor will wake up every 4 hours for the rest of his life?!

He is such a little ball of energy these days.  It's go, go, go until he crashes.  He really wants to walk, runs full speed in his walker (especially if he sees George), and crawls like an army man being timed.  SO MUCH FUN!  
We are enjoying every moment!

Enjoy some of the great recent pictures.

8 month picture (he had to have his spoon)

1 comment:

Audrey said...

so cute! good luck with the teeth. trevin already has four teeth and is working on two more...whew! hard work! he got his bottom two, then he got his top two, but not in the middle. the side teeth came in! weird! now he's working on the top middle ones. i can't wait for teething to be done!