Saturday, September 3, 2011

6 months in August 6 months things got a little tricky. You no longer wanted to be swaddled yet you couldn't quite grasp the concept of NOT hitting yourself in the face. :-) Took about three days for you to figure out how to go to sleep on your own, which included a lot of tears. And not all your tears but Mom's as well. Dad and Connor couldn't handle hearing you cry so they went on a few errands at nap times. We would let you cry for 20 minutes and then go in and comfort you. Really the first day was the worst, and you are now a pro :-)
You also started solids at 6 months. You eat sweet potato, zucchini, bananas, peas, applesauce and rice cereal. Squash gives you gas so we are holding off on that for awhile :-)
You are pushing 20 pounds. 27 inches long.
You are starting to repeat sounds that Connor makes.
I almost never find you in the same position I placed you reach for things, roll over both ways *August 8th* was the magic date you started rolling FINALLY :-), you "crawl" on your back...inching your way around- usually 360 degrees around the blanket. Like a turtle on it's shell.
You object to being left alone.
Hugging is your latest skill, you curl right into people and wrap your hands up by their neck- so sweet.

5 Months in July

I honestly don't know where this summer has gone...So now to turn back time and reflect on where we were in June.

Hudson, my baby, at 5 months you were 18.5 pounds...just a big boy. And off the chart in height still. I put you in some 18 month pjs one night and was shocked to see that they fit...if not a bit snug around the middle (although they were a small 18 month set). People remark that you seem like a football player.
You continue to just light up when Connor pays attention to you. You wiggle and wiggle like you are trying to jump out of our arms and start walking. Slow down little boy. :-)
You make all sorts of noises, anything that will make someone pay attention to you including shrieks and screams. You love to put things in your mouth ALL THE TIME.
You also love jumping in your jumperoo. ESPECIALLY if Connor jumps in front of you.
You still want to be swaddled to go to sleep. And you absolutely hate being on your tummy. The day after you turned 5 months you were dedicated to Jesus.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Zoo Trip with Connor

Steph and Ava
Cara, Connor and Evan
Cara and Evan
All five kids are in this picture, can you find them?
Jennifer and her boys

I took Connor on a special Mommy and Connor date (thanks Mom for watching Hudson) and we met our friends there. Con

A visit with the Parsons

This one absolutely cracks me up. They are leaning on each other to stay propped up.. in the process, Talia appears to be getting "fresh" (as my Mom would say) and Hudson looks terrified.

My life-long friend Krista and I have kids about the same age. They came over for a short playdate in June so Kylise and Connor could play, and for Hudson to meet his new buddy Talia.

4 months (a little late)

Our little monkey...I think the second baby's first year goes so much faster than the first. I can hardly believe how fast this year is moving!
Hudson went crazy growing over the last month. He is now almost 27 inches long, and a little over 16 lbs. This puts him off the charts height wise and around 75% for his weight. Which probably explains why his pj's aren't fitting. He typically wears 6 month clothes at this point, but because of the nature of pajamas he is wearing 9-12 month, otherwise it is hard to squeeze him in them neck to toe :-)
He is really starting to communicate. Scream and shrieks, a lot more ahhgoo type noises, and he LOVES to talk to Connor. If Brendan, Connor and I are all in the room there is NO getting Hudson to look at Brendan or I, it is ALL Connor.
Connor loves on his brother so much it is really fun to see, I hope they continue to love each other their whole lives.
He laughed for the first time on June 8th and we get quite silly trying to get more laughs out of him. He is also into grabbing at things.
He can go 9 hours without eating at night, which would be ideal except he goes to bed at 5:30 most I still don't get that much of a chunk of sleep. And he has stretched out to eating about every 3 hours during the day.
Dr. Grubb says we can start him on rice cereal anytime but I am hesitant to start because of his allergy to dairy proteins. Might wait until 6 months as long as he continues to sleep so well.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Three Months

Our little monkey is growing so three months we had definitely graduated out of 0-3 month clothes and began to wear 6 month and 9 month clothes! He began to chunk up as we figured out the allergy issue and has become our happy easy-going baby again.
He has started to really vocalize and began to grasp onto things in the last month. He is becoming much more aware of his surroundings and LOVES to watch his brother. He also will cry if Connor starts to cry. Not sure if he is scared or just commiserating :-)
Hudson finally started vaccinations at three months. Not that we would have allowed shots when he was so sick but his pediatrician said absolutely no way....we LOVE our pediatrician. He also gave us his cell number with instructions to call every two days with a Hudson update during our scare....i digress. When the nurse gave Hudson his shot he looked up at her, his face turned red, and then he relaxed. I thought for sure we would have heard a scream- but that is just how easy going he is. :-)
Now Connor on the other hand, probably scared the snot out of all the kids in the waiting room as he got his MMR shot.
He has developed a fairly regular schedule of napping during the day and sleeping anywhere from a 6 hour chunk to 9 hours at night.
Love my boys!
Tomorrow Hudson turns 4 months so I am trying to squeeze these posts in quickly :0
It will be a big day- we say bye bye to Connor's momo (his binky) with a trip to build a bear (if you hear hysterics in the Tacoma Mall tomorrow don't be alarmed- we are just stuffing his binky inside a bear) and Hudson gets his second shot and 4 month check up.
Stats for three months: 12 pounds 4 ounces (they didn't check his height)

Two Months

Two months had to be one of the saddest and scariest times for Mom and Dad...not to mention Grandma, Grandpa and Aunt Tara. Our once thriving happy baby became miserable. Congested nose, gunky eyes, poop that turned bright green with blood in it, tummy hurts, spitting up- and began to refuse to nurse or take a bottle. In three days we visited the Urgent care, a midnight trip to the Children's Hospital ER, and two dr. appts. Hudson lost weight in the process. He had a poop culture, a swab up his nose, not to mention the thermometer up his sore little bottom (serious diarrhea issues).
We finally discovered that he has a serious dairy the point where his little system was just shutting down- we had to give him bottles of just pedialyte.

Once Mom stopped dairy (goodbye cheese, icecream, yogurt..) he began to improve.

So stats for 2 months: 10 pounds 6 ounces, 23 1/4 inches.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

One month!

Seriously?! One month already? It snuck up on us so fast!

Hudson William Jeffreys
You are such a joy!
We were hoping for an "easy" baby this go around- and you have delivered.
You love to sleep- I often have to wake you up to keep on our 2.5-3 hour eating schedule in the day.
You have fallen right into a pattern that "works" for us- you get up and go to bed when your brother does.
You weigh a whopping 10 pound 9 ounces already. Up from 8 pounds 6 ounces at birth.
You seldom cry- but really "take" things in.
You have the funniest old man faces- where you suck in your lower lip.
You have red hair- but it is slowly disappearing.
You have the WORST case of baby acne right now.
You have outgrown your newborn clothes already.
We did not know that we could love another baby so MUCH- even up to the day we went to the hospital we were not ready...then you came and we fell so in love with you.
We are so thankful God gave us Connor and YOU.


March 19, 2008
March 19, 2009
March 19, 2010
March 19, 2011

Where does the time go? My baby cannot have turned three! It seems like the time went so much slower before I had kids. Could be the lack of sleep, or the amount of fun I am having? I absolutely love being a Mom.

Connor you are so fun! We love you more than we thought we ever could love someone!
Although we love your brother very much one of the hardest things about going from one to two babies was giving up our family of three- we loved our time with just YOU.
We have an animal of the day now...I never know if I am going to be a deer, a frog, a bear, or something else when I wake up.
You have gotten quite bossy and know exactly how things should be- At ALL TIMES.
We love that you are a cuddler and rough and tumbly at various times throughout the day.
you have a very advanced vocabulary
All truck terms- words used frequently in our play :-)
Plus you say such funny things
{That's a "big" farmer (at the cow auction when noticing a farmer who was large in overalls- we were thankful you didn't know the word fat)}
{Do all boys have penis's?}
You like to do anything Daddy is doing
You love to bake with Mommy
Bedtime HAS to include: potty and gooey bums (vitamins), pj's, a glass of milk, a story from Mom, a Bible story from Dad on our bed, brushing teeth and face washed, another story from Mom and prayer in your bed, a story from Dad, and then FINALLY a cuddle hug from Mom.
You still do not have much hair...
your current favorite foods are chicken nuggets, veggie snack (baby food veggies with a straw but only the orange kind), jam sandwiches, and fruit leather.
BUT you are finally starting to try new things!!! You have even been eating salad.
We had to cut you off of Starbucks scones cause they made you go HYPER.
You do not like movies...only non-"scary" things are we allowed to watch...Mickey is OUT, Bob the Builder is OUT, the movie UP was too scary... Not sure why???
You currently love watching Barney or Kipper in the morning with cereal and a glass of milk
you can name just about any truck or truck part
Loud noises still bother you- but you are adjusting to your brother's cries
you just started sleeping longer- thank you bunny alarm clock
you will not give up your binky AKA Mo-MO. And have to have your blankie and Mo-Mo to sleep. Mom and Dad are not looking forward to fighting THAT battle this summer.
You told me the other day that you want to be a firefighter when you grow up.
When we sing Jesus Loves Me it sounds like This when you choose the names:
Jesus Love me this I know
for the Bible tells me so
little ones to him belong
they are weak but he is strong, Yes Jesus loves...Connor,
Yes Jesus Loves Kailee, Landen, Uncle Jonathon and Aunt Karlee,
Yes Jesus loves Grandma and Grandpa
the Bible tells me so.

We had no idea how much richer our lives would be when we had you. We are so thankful God gave us YOU!