Saturday, September 3, 2011

5 Months in July

I honestly don't know where this summer has gone...So now to turn back time and reflect on where we were in June.

Hudson, my baby, at 5 months you were 18.5 pounds...just a big boy. And off the chart in height still. I put you in some 18 month pjs one night and was shocked to see that they fit...if not a bit snug around the middle (although they were a small 18 month set). People remark that you seem like a football player.
You continue to just light up when Connor pays attention to you. You wiggle and wiggle like you are trying to jump out of our arms and start walking. Slow down little boy. :-)
You make all sorts of noises, anything that will make someone pay attention to you including shrieks and screams. You love to put things in your mouth ALL THE TIME.
You also love jumping in your jumperoo. ESPECIALLY if Connor jumps in front of you.
You still want to be swaddled to go to sleep. And you absolutely hate being on your tummy. The day after you turned 5 months you were dedicated to Jesus.

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