Well...at 6 months things got a little tricky. You no longer wanted to be swaddled yet you couldn't quite grasp the concept of NOT hitting yourself in the face. :-) Took about three days for you to figure out how to go to sleep on your own, which included a lot of tears. And not all your tears but Mom's as well. Dad and Connor couldn't handle hearing you cry so they went on a few errands at nap times. We would let you cry for 20 minutes and then go in and comfort you. Really the first day was the worst, and you are now a pro :-)
You also started solids at 6 months. You eat sweet potato, zucchini, bananas, peas, applesauce and rice cereal. Squash gives you gas so we are holding off on that for awhile :-)
You are pushing 20 pounds. 27 inches long.
You are starting to repeat sounds that Connor makes.
I almost never find you in the same position I placed you in...you reach for things, roll over both ways *August 8th* was the magic date you started rolling FINALLY :-), you "crawl" on your back...inching your way around- usually 360 degrees around the blanket. Like a turtle on it's shell.
You object to being left alone.
Hugging is your latest skill, you curl right into people and wrap your hands up by their neck- so sweet.
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