Thursday, March 24, 2011

One month!

Seriously?! One month already? It snuck up on us so fast!

Hudson William Jeffreys
You are such a joy!
We were hoping for an "easy" baby this go around- and you have delivered.
You love to sleep- I often have to wake you up to keep on our 2.5-3 hour eating schedule in the day.
You have fallen right into a pattern that "works" for us- you get up and go to bed when your brother does.
You weigh a whopping 10 pound 9 ounces already. Up from 8 pounds 6 ounces at birth.
You seldom cry- but really "take" things in.
You have the funniest old man faces- where you suck in your lower lip.
You have red hair- but it is slowly disappearing.
You have the WORST case of baby acne right now.
You have outgrown your newborn clothes already.
We did not know that we could love another baby so MUCH- even up to the day we went to the hospital we were not ready...then you came and we fell so in love with you.
We are so thankful God gave us Connor and YOU.

1 comment:

daphne said...

he is so precious christa!! love this picture of him. two boys for you 3 girls for me...haha!