Thursday, March 24, 2011


March 19, 2008
March 19, 2009
March 19, 2010
March 19, 2011

Where does the time go? My baby cannot have turned three! It seems like the time went so much slower before I had kids. Could be the lack of sleep, or the amount of fun I am having? I absolutely love being a Mom.

Connor you are so fun! We love you more than we thought we ever could love someone!
Although we love your brother very much one of the hardest things about going from one to two babies was giving up our family of three- we loved our time with just YOU.
We have an animal of the day now...I never know if I am going to be a deer, a frog, a bear, or something else when I wake up.
You have gotten quite bossy and know exactly how things should be- At ALL TIMES.
We love that you are a cuddler and rough and tumbly at various times throughout the day.
you have a very advanced vocabulary
All truck terms- words used frequently in our play :-)
Plus you say such funny things
{That's a "big" farmer (at the cow auction when noticing a farmer who was large in overalls- we were thankful you didn't know the word fat)}
{Do all boys have penis's?}
You like to do anything Daddy is doing
You love to bake with Mommy
Bedtime HAS to include: potty and gooey bums (vitamins), pj's, a glass of milk, a story from Mom, a Bible story from Dad on our bed, brushing teeth and face washed, another story from Mom and prayer in your bed, a story from Dad, and then FINALLY a cuddle hug from Mom.
You still do not have much hair...
your current favorite foods are chicken nuggets, veggie snack (baby food veggies with a straw but only the orange kind), jam sandwiches, and fruit leather.
BUT you are finally starting to try new things!!! You have even been eating salad.
We had to cut you off of Starbucks scones cause they made you go HYPER.
You do not like movies...only non-"scary" things are we allowed to watch...Mickey is OUT, Bob the Builder is OUT, the movie UP was too scary... Not sure why???
You currently love watching Barney or Kipper in the morning with cereal and a glass of milk
you can name just about any truck or truck part
Loud noises still bother you- but you are adjusting to your brother's cries
you just started sleeping longer- thank you bunny alarm clock
you will not give up your binky AKA Mo-MO. And have to have your blankie and Mo-Mo to sleep. Mom and Dad are not looking forward to fighting THAT battle this summer.
You told me the other day that you want to be a firefighter when you grow up.
When we sing Jesus Loves Me it sounds like This when you choose the names:
Jesus Love me this I know
for the Bible tells me so
little ones to him belong
they are weak but he is strong, Yes Jesus loves...Connor,
Yes Jesus Loves Kailee, Landen, Uncle Jonathon and Aunt Karlee,
Yes Jesus loves Grandma and Grandpa
the Bible tells me so.

We had no idea how much richer our lives would be when we had you. We are so thankful God gave us YOU!


Deedee said...

You are amazing Christa. Wonderful Blog. You made me cry:) Hugs to everyone. Gama DD

daphne said...

love this post! he is a cutie. i say a little matchmaking is in our future :)