Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The last few days.

Walking with Dad
What's that?
Time to walk with Mom
Hanging out by the garden area.
I want to read this one...
A peaceful moment for George away from Connor pulling her tail
What should I cook?
Brendan trying to put the kitchen together during nap time.

We finally put together Connor's "big" Christmas present.  I have to say that the multiple pieces that we had to cut apart and then screw together discouraged us from doing it before now (And yes, it was made in the USA :).  Connor loves it! He spent a lot of time the last few days cooking, actually I don't know if he was cooking or just loving the freedom to open and close doors and pull things out :)
We've also been enjoying the beautiful weather and spent some time outside.


Deedee said...

Isn't it amazing how much Connor has changed from a year ago. That little tiny baby is now walking, asking questions, being independent, and still cute as a bug! The first year is such a joy to watch, and just the beginning, enjoy everyday, and every moment. They pass all to quickly. Hugs, Grandma Deedee

Audrey said...

He's getting so big! Exciting that he's walking! And the kitchen looks like fun...