Saturday, February 14, 2009

Connor is getting into everything!

Please note the safety latch- that obviously didn't work!
Vroom Vroom
Love listening to music 
Doesn't this smile just "make" your day?
"Look Mom I'm 10 months and don't want to stay in one spot for my picture"

Now that this kid is moving, Brendan and I are trying to stay on our toes :)
This week Connor somehow opened the only kitchen cabinet door with a child safety lock on it. So we had to put new ones on every door.  He also figured out how to climb the stairs.  He wears blue, green, and yellow every day based on the shade the bruises take that day...if anyone has ideas on how to keep him from bumping his head on everything let me know! 
He is still a very happy baby and we feel so blessed to have him.  


Audrey said...

He is SO SO cute, Christa! Oh, the adventures they have once they're mobile. I'm sort of thankful that Trevin hasn't started crawling full force, yet. I know when he does, it's going to be a totally different life for me! He just army crawls and already gets into things! Trevin has the same scooter, too...he's yet to really use it appropriately, though ;-)

The Swensruds said...

Very cute! As you can see, safety latches don't stop kids for very long. =) Caleb loves to open cabinet doors and climb the stairs too. We have the same car/scooter that you have. Have fun watching Connor learn and explore new things!

Deedee said...

Yes, that smile does make my day! He is so very adorable! Have fun this week enjoying his exploration adventures! Hugs from Grandma Deedee

Anne said...

Pretty cute! Connor is getting so big and he is absolutely adorable! We need to get the kids together before they go off to college! Maybe spring break...we will have to look at our calendars!