Wednesday, February 25, 2009

6 addictions

I've been tagged by my friend, Audrey to post 6 of my addictions. So, in no particular order, here they are...
1. Reading- it's like breathing...I have to have at least a little time to myself to read everyday (hence my huge reading supply in the bathroom) :)
2. Taco's- or anything that have the make-up of refried beans, cheese, sour cream, salsa and chips.  I could do with or without avocado, lettuce, tomato...all the good stuff :)
3. I don't know if this qualifies as an "addiction" but I love cheesy high school movies.  You know, where everything turns out happy in the end.
4. dark chocolate- the darker the better.  Must be all the good antioxidants.
5. Playing soccer- sometimes I have to drag my butt onto the field but once I get playing- there is such a high.
6.  Hanging with my family-I so miss Connor and Brendan on the days I am working.
Ok- so if you read this.. Steph, Crystal, Stacy and Anne you're "it" and it's your turn to list your addictions :)

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