I am learning a lot about myself as a teacher, and know I will be better because of the process. But the concept of finishing 4 papers and a huge test is so daunting when all I want to do is sleep when I have spare time....
Ok- enough whining :-0 Just thought I'd put that out there.
Back to work!
1 comment:
Oh Christa I feel your pain. When Bryan and I were getting our masters and pro cert we were both working full time, Emily was 15 months old and I was pregnant with Jack. I can remember trying to pump in the bathroom on lunch breaks and then leaving every hour due to "morning sickness." It was the hardest thing I have ever done. Just remember that this time will pass and it will such a wonderful accomplishment when you are finished. I will be thinking of you and keeping you in my prayers. You are a brave little momma!
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