Thursday, January 14, 2010

Grandma DeeDee visits

Making biscuits
Loves to help in the kitchen....Top Chef?
Oh Christmas tree
Legos from Grandma

Tried to find some pictures of Grandma DeeDee's visit...but she was the one holding the camera most of the time!

Grandma, we really enjoyed spending Thanksgiving and preparing for Christmas with you!


Anne said...

I loved catching up on all your family moments. I can't believe how big Connor is! Time just goes by too quickly.

Also, thanks for the helpful advice. I will be checking out the website tonight!

Deedee said...

The time I spend with Connor, Christa and Brendan is very precious to me. I am happy to be behind the camera taking memory pictures. I too thoroughly enjoyed spending Thanksgiving time and getting ready for Christmas with my Puyallup family! Love and hugs to you all!