Saturday, January 23, 2010

Day 1

Just a teensy bit tired
Connor's first plane behind my backpack!
First time at In-N-Out Burger
Close up of Connor under the Lego Giraffe
CRAZY Lego Giraffe

So to get to California someone thought it was a good idea to have a 7 AM flight out of SeaTac...on the day after Christmas that meant getting there at 5 AM. We had to pick up my parents and sister on the way and my brother who was going to drive the van back to their house for the week. This meant a wake-up time of 3:30 AM, we woke up Connor at the very last moment. So at 3:55 AM we woke him up, and when asked if he was ready for a BIG adventure he nodded his head vigorously :-)
He did amazing on the plane! Slept for the first hour and then played quietly with little presents Mommy and Daddy had packed for him.
When we finally got to CA everyone was hungry so we pulled off the freeway at the first In-N-Out Burger....why don't we have these up here?
By the time we got to the condo (RIGHT BY DISNEYLAND!) I was super excited to show my boys Disneyland...but Connor needed a nap- and BOY WAS IT A LONG ONE...he kept sleeping and sleeping. We finally woke him up and decided to go into Downtown Disney instead of Disneyland, since it was so late. The Lego store was amazing!!! We had a quick dinner (Connor was in full meltdown mode...and the rest of us were ready for bed by 7 or so). Gearing up for Disneyland!!!!

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