Monday, April 5, 2010


Connor's second birthday has come and gone, and I can hardly believe it! Where did the time go? My baby has so quickly turned into a little boy.
He is opinionated and sweet. Caring and yet still all boy. He loves cuddling, and we are still working on giving up his binky.
He loves to help! Is always wanting to help set the table, pick up weeds, (not so much clean up toys...) make waffles, and so on.
He LOVES trains, trucks, cows, and soccer :-) LOVES his bike, especially if someone will push him around.
He is recently very into babies- since cousin Claire was born (and he noticed BOP (Grandpa) holding the baby).
He is starting to be a lot more interactive with his toys. The "babies" he has (dolls that Brendan and I had when we were younger) both had "poopy" diapers the other day and needed to be cleaned up. He loves to vroom his trucks around and crash them into each other. Trains, on the other hand, are NOT supposed to leave the tracks...picture below shows the meltdown that ensued the first time the choo choo's crashed off the track.
I could go on and on :-) I am so thankful for my little boy!

Connor's birthday picture from Grandpa Jeffreys
Tears on his birthday...
The kids painting trucks
The cousins- Kailee, Connor, Landen and Claire
The present table
The balloons Connor picked out.
Aunt Briana and baby Claire
Kailee and Connor
Stephanie Knapp and Ava
Stephanie Hedrick and Connor
Connor's BIG present :-)
The Choo-Choo/Truck cake...his favorites :-)
Grandma and Grandpa Lerew
Great-Grandma Lerew

A HUGE thank you to Grandma DeeDee for taking all these pictures...I couldn't find one with Grandma in it :( But she was there!

1 comment:

Audrey said...

SO fun! I can't wait to celebrate Trevin's b-day next week. Our boys have a lot of the same toys...go figure :)