Monday, May 11, 2009


I found one!  
And another! 
The Easter bunny left presents :)
Practicing before the big day with eggs from Grandma DeeDee
Easter outfits

I know... I don't know what is wrong with me that I am not keeping this blog up to date.  I think it's the trying to catch up- I am not good with playing catch up.  More fun to post when things happen.  But alas, for Grandma who lives out of state, we have to try to get these fun pics up when I get a chance.
By the way...Connor is FINALLY sleeping through the night.  My good friend, Stephanie, loaned me a book (Healthy sleep habits, happy kids) and we put the principles to practice.  He now sleeps (on avg) from 6-5:45!  WHOOHOO.


Audrey said...

Connor's getting so big! I love his Easter outfit, too!

And nice that he's sleeping through the night!! Woo hoo! I read parts of that book, too. It's a good one!

Deedee said...

Thank you! Thank you! It looks like Connor's first Easter was a fun one! Nice Easter outfits and great egg hunting!

Anne said...

Two book comments...Don't you just love that little Easter book. I love the message! Emily and Jack each have a copy. As for the second book...I think I need a copy of that sleeping book! My doctor loved it as well so I guess I had better order it since there is NO sleeping going on in this house.

Anonymous said...

Love the Easter pictures. We had a practice one too before the big day. ;-) And then of course Hailey had to keep hiding eggs for a couple days after for Braden to find. Very cute. Now that your going to second service I don't get to see you or Connor in the nursery. ;-)