I found one!
And another!
The Easter bunny left presents :)
Practicing before the big day with eggs from Grandma DeeDee
Easter outfits
By the way...Connor is FINALLY sleeping through the night. My good friend, Stephanie, loaned me a book (Healthy sleep habits, happy kids) and we put the principles to practice. He now sleeps (on avg) from 6-5:45! WHOOHOO.
Connor's getting so big! I love his Easter outfit, too!
And nice that he's sleeping through the night!! Woo hoo! I read parts of that book, too. It's a good one!
Thank you! Thank you! It looks like Connor's first Easter was a fun one! Nice Easter outfits and great egg hunting!
Two book comments...Don't you just love that little Easter book. I love the message! Emily and Jack each have a copy. As for the second book...I think I need a copy of that sleeping book! My doctor loved it as well so I guess I had better order it since there is NO sleeping going on in this house.
Love the Easter pictures. We had a practice one too before the big day. ;-) And then of course Hailey had to keep hiding eggs for a couple days after for Braden to find. Very cute. Now that your going to second service I don't get to see you or Connor in the nursery. ;-)
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