Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Three Months

Our little monkey is growing so three months we had definitely graduated out of 0-3 month clothes and began to wear 6 month and 9 month clothes! He began to chunk up as we figured out the allergy issue and has become our happy easy-going baby again.
He has started to really vocalize and began to grasp onto things in the last month. He is becoming much more aware of his surroundings and LOVES to watch his brother. He also will cry if Connor starts to cry. Not sure if he is scared or just commiserating :-)
Hudson finally started vaccinations at three months. Not that we would have allowed shots when he was so sick but his pediatrician said absolutely no way....we LOVE our pediatrician. He also gave us his cell number with instructions to call every two days with a Hudson update during our scare....i digress. When the nurse gave Hudson his shot he looked up at her, his face turned red, and then he relaxed. I thought for sure we would have heard a scream- but that is just how easy going he is. :-)
Now Connor on the other hand, probably scared the snot out of all the kids in the waiting room as he got his MMR shot.
He has developed a fairly regular schedule of napping during the day and sleeping anywhere from a 6 hour chunk to 9 hours at night.
Love my boys!
Tomorrow Hudson turns 4 months so I am trying to squeeze these posts in quickly :0
It will be a big day- we say bye bye to Connor's momo (his binky) with a trip to build a bear (if you hear hysterics in the Tacoma Mall tomorrow don't be alarmed- we are just stuffing his binky inside a bear) and Hudson gets his second shot and 4 month check up.
Stats for three months: 12 pounds 4 ounces (they didn't check his height)


Deedee said...

I am so glad month #2 is over with and Mr H is smiling and happy again! Mr C is such a good big brother! Love them both tons!!! Hugs to you all. Thanks for the fantastic updates:)

Audrey said...

So glad you figured out the allergy stuff! that would be so stressful...I hope Build-a-Bear goes well and that Connor is okay without the bink. Hopefully he'll do great and after a couple of days, it will history. :)