Tuesday, April 22, 2008

1 Month 

Connor had his 1 month Dr. appt.  yesterday.  We have a big boy on our hands!  He now weighs 10 pounds 5 ounces and is 22.5 inches long.  That puts him in the 75%tile for height and 50%tile for weight.  As my friend Stephanie said, he's not getting his build from his Mom!
In the last week Connor has also had one night when he had a 4 hour sleep stretch (which Mom appreciated) and another night with a three hour stretch.  Much improvement from every hour!
Connor and I continue to spend our day sending Dad pictures to his work e-mail, reading, eating, sleeping, and a few more awake periods than we used to have!
The picture is from when I caught Dad "teaching" Connor his multiplication facts yesterday.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Connor is 1 month old! 
It has been one month since the arrival of our little boy. We can hardly believe the changes parenthood has brought.  I've gotten pretty good at waking at the sound of a cry and jumping out of bed to feed him.  Brendan and I are both fairly accomplished at dodging pee and poop when changing him.  For those of you who haven't heard our stories...our little guy loves to wait and surprise people changing him with a little shower! 
Connor is doing a great job growing.  He has outgrown his newborn clothes and is so long we are worried that he will soon outgrow his 3 month pj's! 
He is learning to make all sorts of noises, including one of his new favorites, screaming for no apparent reason.
Brendan went back to work a week ago and Connor and I look forward to seeing him come home every night.
That's all for now as Connor is making his "I'm waking up and you better be ready to feed me" noises.

Sunday, April 13, 2008