Sunday, May 24, 2009

Days with two!

Cool, a new toy!
"Whatcha" doing?
Let me try this :)

Connor and I have the pleasure of hanging out with little Ava Knapp (who is not so little anymore) on Tuesdays.  Connor gets a kick out of having another "little" person in the house. 
The other day he ran up to her and gave her a kiss and hug (cousin Kailee has been teaching this).  It was PRETTY cute :)

Monday, May 11, 2009


I found one!  
And another! 
The Easter bunny left presents :)
Practicing before the big day with eggs from Grandma DeeDee
Easter outfits

I know... I don't know what is wrong with me that I am not keeping this blog up to date.  I think it's the trying to catch up- I am not good with playing catch up.  More fun to post when things happen.  But alas, for Grandma who lives out of state, we have to try to get these fun pics up when I get a chance.
By the way...Connor is FINALLY sleeping through the night.  My good friend, Stephanie, loaned me a book (Healthy sleep habits, happy kids) and we put the principles to practice.  He now sleeps (on avg) from 6-5:45!  WHOOHOO.