What a journey this last year has been! We had no idea what we were getting into when we had Connor, but we have been so blessed with a happy and healthy little boy.
I remember thinking at the hospital, "Am I allowed to change his diaper?" When the nurses just left us alone with him...Seriously, I was that unaware of what I was getting into. I also remember two days after we came home on Easter Sunday, Connor was sleeping, Brendan was sleeping, and I was sitting on the couch (C was in the play pen right next to the couch) wanting to sleep but thinking, "What if he wakes up and we don't hear him...I better stay awake). Like I wouldn't hear him if he woke up :)
Another classic moment: Connor starts crying in the middle of the night, and I am in the bathroom. When I come out, Brendan is pacing the room cradling his pillow and "shhhing" the pillow- meanwhile Connor is crying away in his bassinet.
Connor is such an adventurous little boy who is curious about everything! Just today I caught him trying to figure out how to get the balloons from his birthday over the baby gate so he could play with them. We also took a trip to my old school to wish some friends happy birthday- and he started chasing the kids down the hall- like "Hey wait up for me, I want to play too!"