Friday, January 16, 2009

Snow pictures

It's a little bright for our blue eyes.
Our neighbor shoveled his driveway every day...more fun to just make a little path :)
Seriously, where are the chair legs?!

Just a few pictures from the crazy snowstorm that hit before Christmas and stranded us in our house for DAYS!  NO MORE SNOW THIS YEAR PLEASE- although very pretty and fun for Connor's first major snow :)

Monday, January 12, 2009

A few more Christmas pics! :)

Waylon liked Connor's toys :)


Working on walking
My siblings
How to get Connor to open this without eating the paper?
Oooh...a drum from Grandma Jeffreys! 

It can't possibly be 4 plus weeks since Christmas already! 
Brendan and I started our break 2 days early because of the massive quantities of snow and ice!  I was so DONE with snow by the time it melted...
Friday, the 19th, Brendan's Mom, Dr. Bill, and Waylon arrived for an early Christmas.  It was so nice seeing them again and celebrating Connor's first Christmas together.  However, two days before they arrived my family had a birthday dinner and somehow we managed to share a "flu-like" bug so by the time Bren's family arrived I was throwing up, two days later Connor got a 9 day case of diarrhea, and Brendan got hit with the bug Christmas Eve.  It definitely made the visit and Christmas an adventure..
Despite feeling under the weather we enjoyed our time at home with Bren's family, and finally were able to make it off our hill (Puyallup decided not to de-ice or sand it for MANY days) on the last night that they were here so we lived it up by driving to Tara's and have a delicious dinner.  
Christmas with my family was very traditional.  Christmas Eve candles and carols service, potato soup and cinnamon rolls for dinner at my Mom's, present opening until 11 PM, and then opening our stockings together along with breakfast that Briana made the next morning.How thankful we all were that my Mom was feeling so much better!
 Connor turned this into an adventure as well, keep in mind he was not feeling good, and decided to scream and cry-when he woke up at 11, until we drove home (instead of sleeping at my parents), which ended up being a good choice since Bren probably saw Santa visit on one of his MANY trips to the bathroom.
Needless to say we were VERY ready for our vacation to Port Townsend the week following Christmas. 
More about that trip later.  For now enjoy a few pictures of our Christmas-  :)