Can you tell he doesn't want to pose for this picture?

Walking with Daddy

Love this picture :)

Get me off this horse!

Riding the train with the cousins

We thought this would be a cute Christmas card- polar express- BUT C couldn't take his eyes off the engine.

This was supposed to be a "pony" ride- I guess they forgot and brought horses instead. Connor looked so small!- he didn't stay on for long!

Grandpa and Landen

Grandma and Connor in matching shirts :)

making bubbles- Karlee and Landen are in the background

He wasn't so sure about the goat- after it jumped onto the picnic table.

Riding the train

Reading a book with Aunt Karlee

Riding Kailee's bike

Kicking the ball with Kailee

The Cousins

We stayed in the pool for about 30 seconds- it was SO COLD!

Alaska Grandma :)

big trucks at Great-Aunt Gail's

Brendan's side of the famil- Uncle Neil, DeeDee, Aunt Gail, "Aunt" Tina, Grandma and "Grandpa"

Our soccer team- those of us at camp anyway

Playing in the toy tent

Kicking the ball :)

Snacking- a camp tradition :)

Putting sticks in the wagon! Another favorite!