Thursday, November 13, 2008


Hanging with Dad.
Connor is learning that he can stand on his own, holding onto things... 
In the last few days he has also started noticing his surrounding- George's cat food and water, paintings on the wall, backpack zippers and more.  I think that we will be putting the play pen to good use at times now :)  Containment for this mover... now if only he'll learn what "No, Connor that is not for you" means and obey :)
He has two front teeth and is working on a third if his sleeping, or lack of sleeping, last night is any indication.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Baby Dedication

We had Connor dedicated last Sunday.  It was a great service and we appreciated having family and good friends there.  Connor did fantastic (Mom was a lot more nervous than he was), although he did try to grab Pastor Dave's lips while he was praying :)

Saturday, November 1, 2008


We had a pretty tame Halloween this year- Connor goes to bed around 6:30 so we had to get our trick or treating done early.
Connor started at Tim and Steph's so that we could get a picture with Miss Ava (aka: skeleton).  She wasn't much of a fan of the proceedings and Connor wasn't happy that Mommy wouldn't let him "love" on her.
Then my parents came to our house to see our little pumpkin :)  Connor loved the box of crackers Grandma brought as his treat.  Although Mommy isn't sure he's quite ready for the crackers yet.