Thursday, June 26, 2008

We finally went and took family pictures- as evidenced in the pics above :)  These are some of the good ones.
Connor did three new things yesterday!  Of course these events occurred while I was working...I guess he was showing off for Dad :)
1. He grabbed onto a toy and held it.
2.  He held his head up 90 degrees while on his tummy.
What an amazing little boy we have.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

June 2008

June has been a busy month with the school year ending and  packing up my classroom to move to a new school.  I plan on only teaching Thursday and Fridays and every other Wednesday next year.  We are thankful to have found someone to job share.
We are continually amazed with Connor's growth both physically and developmentally.  He is 14 pounds 8 ounces now!  And continuing to grow out of everything.  He is so long we have had to buy 9 month pj's!  He clasps his hands together now and "talks" a lot.  He loves a board book from his Alaska G'ma about the Aurora lights- every time I start to read it he just coos and smiles :) He is also getting good about pulling things to his mouth to suck on...and he drools now- hopefully not a sign that teething is coming soon.  

Friday, June 6, 2008

    Connor in his "magic" sleeping bed.
Connor nappng
Connor is so much fun!  He is lifting his head up (as evidenced in the picture), batting a things, opening his fists more, smiling A LOT, and getting into more of a routine! Mom only has to get up twice at night now. We finally conquered all of our colds and are looking forward to a fun summer of firsts!